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                NINO 是一款既适合街头运动又适合办公室休闲和时尚的个≡人新风系统。在凉爽的微风中散发出


                采用ξ 超小型高性能直流电机,静音》的设计,即使挂在脖子上也不必担心噪音ξ或振动。抗菌材料的加入,

                考虑到它是在炎热的夏天与皮肤直接接触的物品,我们采用了一种可以每天 卫生地使用的抗材料。



                Nino is a personal fresh air system that is as suitable for street sports as it is for leisure and

                fashion in the office. Distributes about 1.2 million negative ions in the cool breeze, wraps the face,

                inhibits the diffusion of  static electricity and hair, and protects the luster and moisture of hair

                and skin. It adopts an ultra-small high-performance DC motor and a quiet design, so you don't

                have to worry about noise or vibration even if you hang it on your neck. The addition of antibacterial

                material, considering that it is an item that comes into direct contact with the skin in hot summer,

                we adopted an antibacterial material that can be used  hygienically every day. With a high-density

                polymer battery, it can be driven continuously for up to 6 hours.  The position of the main suction port

                will not pinch your hair, so you can use it with confidence.