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                可直接放在水管下面进行冲洗。简洁时尚的外型设□ 计搭配食品级硅胶带来的舒适感受,也让它在市场



                This is an innovative cordless wearable device designed for the Japanese market. There are 4 pieces

                on one side, a total of 8 pieces of EMS low-frequency current massage tablets. The 10-stage

                frequency band is meticulous and precise. The V-shaped opening and closing design is suitable

                for different face shapes, and the easily adjustable buckle is convenient to wear. The product is

                waterproof as a whole, IPX6, and can be placed directly under the water pipe for washing.

                The simple and stylish appearance design combined with the comfort brought by food-grade

                silicone has also won praise from many users in the market.

                After wearing it, the lifting effect on the face can be felt instantly.