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                VONMIE美臂仪是一款专为瘦手臂训练而设计的无负重按摩卐训练仪。该产Ψ 品采用EMS微电流∞技术,






                VONMIE Beauty Arm is a weight-free massage trainer designed for lean arm training. The product adopts

                EMS micro-current technology, which can drive the arm muscles to conduct independent training, so as

                to help users shape beautiful arm lines. The instrument offers five modes and 15 gears to meet the

                training needs of different users. At the same time, it is thin and portable and can be used anytime

                and anywhere. The arm can relieve muscle fatigue and tension, promote blood circulation, and make

                the arm more tight and powerful. Compared with traditional fitness equipment, our beauty arm

                instrument is simple to operate and convenient to use. It is not limited by the venue and time.

                It is an ideal family fitness product.